Tuesday, March 3, 2015

1st Studio Shots

Disclaimer: I did not have my camera so I borrowed a camera from Emily. Thank you Emily. Having said that, I took a few photos with my iPhone. The other photos were taken with a Fuji film camera unfamiliar to me. At the bottom I have an analysis of my experience.


iPhone Shots: BW followed by Original Color.

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter1/15

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter1/15

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter1/40

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter1/40

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter 1/15

iPhone 6: ISO 32, lens 4.15mm f/2.2, shutter 1/15

These are the photos I shot with Emily's Fuji film. Original first and then BW.

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/6.4, shutter 1/40

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/6.4, shutter 1/40

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/6.4, shutter 1/10

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/6.4, shutter 1/10

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/9, shutter 1/10

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/9, shutter 1/10

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/15

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/10

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/15

ISO 100, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/15

ISO 200, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/10

ISO 200, lens 50 mm f/5.6, shutter 1/10

Analysis of my experience:

First of all, I learned to always have my camera with me. As it turns out, taking pictures is really hard to do with out a camera.

The second things that I learned is that the iPhone actually does a decent job. Not nearly the quality but for photojournalism it is a nice alternative to not getting the take. 

The third thing I picked up was with the iPhone I have very little control over the wide angle, and I had to either zoom in a lot and pixelate the photo or step in very close, which may be kind of awkward depending on the person/situation.

The forth thing I learned is that using a camera that you are unfamiliar comes with a learning curve. So the majority of the photos that I took at first either had too much exposure, under exposure, or the shutter speed wasn't fast enough and the picture turned out blurred. I think after you have enough experience in certain areas of photography you will have a good idea of what exposure, speed, and aperture setting you need and will be more adept at taking photos with any camera. But the hole thing was new and that took some time to figure out.

I'm excited to see what I do with my camera on Wednesday.

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